phase 1: problem and goal statement
instead of becoming a hatchling and experiencing the threats head-on, we provide users with the opportunity to help the species first-hand.
The goal of Project shell's snapchat lens extension is to provide global users with the opportunity to interact with threatened marine species (sea turtles) in a fun and interactive way. By planting your own sea turtle nest and helping a sea turtle hatchling reach open water, users become aware of survivability factors facing the species as a whole, and prompt users to engage in additional information-seeking to mitigate those threats.
Not everyone can have direct access to sea turtle nests and the beaches that host them. through snapchat, users are able to engage in a unique learning experience that gives them the capacity to create positive environmental change.
phase 2: ideation
the initial wireframe was centered around beachgoers near a nest. however, this narrow focus limits accessibility to the message, and thereby inhibits the potential to expand sea turtle conservation messages to all snap chat users.
another key issue was that lens use would disturb nesting sites as more users would be walking close to the nest to scan the marker.
project shell's ar experience thus shifted towards empowering users to create their own sea turtle nests in their own environments.
this consisted of creating a layer of water to mimic beach waves at the user's location. the user, serving as the target of the hatchling, would then plan their egg on the floor. the hatchling would then appear and the user would help the hatchling to shore using their finger to draw a safe passage to the water.
afterwards, users would be able to take a selfie with the hatchling they saved and share the image - with project shell branding - with their networks.
phase 3: creation + lens studio

Creating the drag-and-drop egg planting interaction.

Spawning hatchling at egg drop location.

Enabling turtle movement via world object controller.

Enabling 3D object hand tracking.
phase 4: testing

testing the interaction with a variety of users.
behind the scenes - from ideation to development
Final lens preview (below)
phase 6: moving forward
additional features and considerations (hover for details)

Include different sea turtle species.

Improve nesting effects.

Gamify the interaction - add obstacles for the hatchling to avoid.